The Old Liners

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. - Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is There Hope

Republicans are promising to work to repeal the healthcare bill. It will be a long uphill battle to get it accomplished as they are facing a Democratic Senate, but at least they are keeping their campaign promises. Then Obama says that the recently elected Republicans "are going to play to their base for a certain period of time."
He further stated that they will soon realize their responsiblity is to govern and most importantly, uphold the Constitution. I'm sorry, their responsibility is to fulfill the wishes of the American people who elected them. The same thing he was supposed to do when he was elected. It's fairly obvious that I am not a big fan of Obama, but he is the President. What I am frustrated with is that he is the most obvious liberal and anti-capitalist in government. What is so wrong with a little competition? Our country was built by entrepeneurs and small businesses. They competed with each other and drove down the cost of goods and services. A national healthcare plan is not good for competition and will ultimately lead to higher costs, less availability, more beaurocracy, and bigger government. Wait a minute, I forgot, that's what the liberals want.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Ok, so it has been awhile since I have written anything, but it is so hard to keep all the insanity straight. First of all, congratulations to America for having a voice in November. It is about time the American people spoke up about how tired we are of the "change" that is going on. Government healthcare, increasing debt, corruption in the administration, higher unemployment, etc. It is high time that our government get out of the habit of not listening to what the American people want. If I am right, this is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. Why are we allowing this country to go down the path toward the European model. Greece has had financial crisis, Ireland is bankrupt, and Spain is on the horizon. So why are we so damned determined to go down the same road. I don't get it. Thomas Paine recognized the importance of the American experiment in 1776. He stated in Common Sense, "The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind". Our founding fathers (and mothers) knew that this nation was an experiment in building a Republic that had not been seen before. They knew that it's fate would greatly impact the world. And here we stand on the brink of changing our Republic into something that has, as history has already demonstrated, failed. And not just once but over and over and over again. Why? What is the reasoning to mess with something that is not broke. I know what is the end game, but our leaders will not tell you the truth. They, along with many around the world, want a one world government where economically and politically we are all equal. But why in the world would be want to join in on a team that is and has failed, or at the very least, struggled. Look, I am not saying that American's are a superior race or even better human beings. All I am saying is that I am a man that is proud of my nation and the impact it has had on the freedoms of our own people and those who have struggled to achieve what Americans have. The freedom of religion, speech, assembly, to own property, to start a business, to have a family, etc. In essence, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Does anyone remember that?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am so distracted

So the other day I was listening to some snippets of a speech by our current President and was floored by what he said. He told the students to whom he was speaking that "information is a distraction". I'm sorry, "information is a distraction". It is critical to our freedom. Without information we would be mindless drones doing what big brother told us. Shouldn't we have the best information available. Isn't that what freedom of speech and freedom of the press is all about. Ok, let's take an example or two. Case study number one - the government declares all white men enemies of the state. They tell you that flat topped men driving vans are looking to blow up buildings and kill as many people as possible. Now all white men are in danger and no one really knows why. Further "information" reveals that a lone "nut" blew up a van in front of a building in Oklahoma. But wait, further information reveals he did not act alone. And still more distracting information brings to light that he has a reason for his actions, not a good reason, but he has one. So after hearing more information we learn that not all white men are enemies of the state. Wow, isn't it interesting how information became a distraction. Case study number two - movie stars, Presidents, heads of state, musicians, and the list goes on; are smoking cigarettes. It is considered "sexy" or "sophisticated". Images of famous people with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths are plastered in magazines, on billboards, on TV, and in the movie theaters. Light one up after sex. Be a rebel like James Dean. But wait, can it be that pesky information again. Cigarettes and smoking cause cancer. What a distraction information has become. It is now cautioning you from smoking yourself to death when you were "uninformed" about the health risks of smoking before. Or the fact that cocaine does not reduce stomach problems. Or that asbestos is bad and not the best option for insulation. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages; information is critical. It is not a distraction. Mis information is a distraction. Lack of information is a distraction. Not knowing the facts can be harmful to your health. So I have this one thing to say to our dear President: If information is a distraction than please stop talking. Your empty promises are distracting me from the business at hand, building a future for my children.