The Old Liners

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. - Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am so distracted

So the other day I was listening to some snippets of a speech by our current President and was floored by what he said. He told the students to whom he was speaking that "information is a distraction". I'm sorry, "information is a distraction". It is critical to our freedom. Without information we would be mindless drones doing what big brother told us. Shouldn't we have the best information available. Isn't that what freedom of speech and freedom of the press is all about. Ok, let's take an example or two. Case study number one - the government declares all white men enemies of the state. They tell you that flat topped men driving vans are looking to blow up buildings and kill as many people as possible. Now all white men are in danger and no one really knows why. Further "information" reveals that a lone "nut" blew up a van in front of a building in Oklahoma. But wait, further information reveals he did not act alone. And still more distracting information brings to light that he has a reason for his actions, not a good reason, but he has one. So after hearing more information we learn that not all white men are enemies of the state. Wow, isn't it interesting how information became a distraction. Case study number two - movie stars, Presidents, heads of state, musicians, and the list goes on; are smoking cigarettes. It is considered "sexy" or "sophisticated". Images of famous people with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths are plastered in magazines, on billboards, on TV, and in the movie theaters. Light one up after sex. Be a rebel like James Dean. But wait, can it be that pesky information again. Cigarettes and smoking cause cancer. What a distraction information has become. It is now cautioning you from smoking yourself to death when you were "uninformed" about the health risks of smoking before. Or the fact that cocaine does not reduce stomach problems. Or that asbestos is bad and not the best option for insulation. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages; information is critical. It is not a distraction. Mis information is a distraction. Lack of information is a distraction. Not knowing the facts can be harmful to your health. So I have this one thing to say to our dear President: If information is a distraction than please stop talking. Your empty promises are distracting me from the business at hand, building a future for my children.

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