The Old Liners

The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. - Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Troops

Bring our troops home! I couldn't agree more, but I have a feeling it is for a different reason that those who stand on the corners and protest the war against terrorism. These soldiers are away from their families and some are giving their lives in defense of something they believe in, and people stand on the corner holding up a sign thinking it honors them. Bring them home! Is it really because they want to see the troops home or is it more because they are against the war. "When Clinton Lied, No One Died", "Bush, Baby Killer", "Bush Jr. fighting Daddy's War". These are just a few of the signs I have seen when driving down the streets and now it has almost become non existent since Obama has taken office. The war is still being fought, soldiers are still dying, troops are still overseas, but the protesters have eerily vanished. Did someone just decide that it was no longer fashionable to protest the war? Are they suddenly and miraculously in favor of the our troops being overseas? Or is it because they have accomplished their original goal of demonizing the former President so they can say that they stood for something? I think it is the latter. It was never about the war or the troops, it was always about politics. So why do I want our troops home? Two reasons. One is so that we can do what our founding fathers intended. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state". Defend the security of a free state. In other words, protect our borders. Keep illegals out. Keep terrorists out. Defend the homeland against invasion. Protect their own families. It is frustrating that soldiers were shot and killed in their own country on a military base by an extremist when they are allowed to defend themselves in another country. Let me be clear, I am not suggesting that America become a land of pacifists and stay locked up like some over protected kid that momma put in knee pads and a helmet to walk to the mailbox. If someone attacks our country or threatens our interests, SQUASH them. We are the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth and we are acting like we are scared to hurt someones feelings over a few words like "extremist", or "terrorist". Bring the troops home. To be with their families. To watch their children grow up. To start a business, build a home, run for political office, and to experience life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on American soil. Yes I agree, Bring our Troops Home!

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